Some people cannot talk to complete strangers. They cannot joke with them as if they are that uncle that always told the funniest stories but at whom your mother frowned…
The vacation is over. But it certainly created some memorable moments. One such moment occurred while waiting in line for tender tickets so we could actually get off the ship…
We always want the best for our children. In fact, I would hazard a guess that most people want their children to be better off than they were—after all, they…
It seems that coming out of a coma after suffering a serious traumatic brain injury leads to some…unusual behaviors. A long time ago, the car in which I rode lost…
If anyone ever tells you that a vasectomy is a simple procedure with no complications, throw everything down and run. Why is it always my wife that is taking everything…
A family friend passed away a couple of weeks ago. His family played a central part in making us feel welcome after my father retired from the US Navy. See…before…
The first thing I ever remember writing, I wrote for someone else. It wasn’t a cute little story I composed at school for my parents. That first moment I set…